Indexes of Business Conditions

Indexes of Business Conditions

Indexes of Business Conditions February 2024 Preliminary Release (April 5, 2024) New

The Assessment of Coincident Index: "Signaling a possible turning point"
Historical Data Historical Data (Excel:57KB)open file in a new window
Individual Indicator Leading Index(Excel:82KB)open file in a new window Coincident Index(Excel:63KB)open a new window Lagging Index(Excel:59KB)open file in a new window
Individual Contributions
(Composite Indexes)
Leading Index(Excel:110KB)open file in a new window Coincident Index(Excel:96KB)open file in a new window Lagging Index(Excel:97KB)open file in a new window

Coincident Index Graph


Past Release of Indexes of Business Conditions

(Since the release of "Indexes of Business Conditions January 2021", Indexes of Business Conditions have been revised in their components.)

